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The eye of the mind, heart and soul  Through the vessel of blood and bones  Observes in all cosmos of all will  To strive, thrive, survive and repeat  Of elemental curiosity to mundane existence Seemingly bursting into earthen bubbles  Splattering sorcery and evolution all the way  Darwin sings and Einstine dances  Nikola Tesla plays the drum  Chanakya sits and nods a bit  Aryabhatta looks up and smiles  Behold the grand transformation Behold the great revelation Possibilities are endless  The world whirling with chaos  A state of anomaly  Abundance, shower on me  Let creativity over drive every cell  Let kindness guide the path smoothly Let fire be the creator that it is  Of a vision of future  As within So without As above  So below With the eye of the mind, heart and soul. -
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Off the shores of you and me  Pretty little islands of sincerity  Fungibility, durability and sometimes pretty  Lest we sail or swim across the knitty gritty  Petals of pallet colours swimming against the current  Growing into enormous stimulus of sustainability Simple yet complex  Not a very well made  Just a little further ahead  Of the mountains with the cliff  Pink shiny branches of wisteria trees  Nothing to fathom, nothing to please  Beneath the surface  Of the iceberg flows  Consciousness of sub and un  Unfolds  Dreams and Days mix in the grinder  Why am I from who am I  Changes the drafting Dots connect and neurons are born  Impulses arise with wisdom teeth Innovation is within reach -  2 June, 2022  

A Lost Poet

A Lost poet in the universe. Sitting alone on a bench. The constellations are a little far. Earth spinning just out of length. A Lost poet sits and sings. Takes a mini bite. Of sandwich, you ask? How? It is the universe, you see my friend. You see the universe is designed to help us. To grow and nurture our souls. It is always sending the way things we need the most. A Lost poet in the universe. Making a paper boat.  She sails it in the river of joy, laughter, sadness and remorse. And emotions come raining like billions of shooting stars. Wonder what and wonder why she wasn't so lost anymore. - Nameless Fameless July 1, 2021

In Security

Where do insecurities stem from? How are they formed? Why do they keep bothering us? To put it nicely, I have met and dated a lot of men, and to put it professionally, I am an accomplished psychologist; pun excluded ; everybody has their own insecurities. Some in the form of past experiences, emotions they could not handle, a "Dil ka Dhoka" alias treachery or loosing trust to the extent of imagining or having what mainstream psychology calls pessimistic thoughts, i.e. they just cannot think anything else apart from "what might go wrong". Quite often, the circumstances of our present, our existence becomes "too" real for us. As natural as instinct, constant comparison to past memories and self idealized standards kills the thrill of here and now. What happens with constant emotional insecurity ? "It's insecurity that is always chasing you and standing in the way of your dreams."   -  Vin Diesel

Ranting ode

  insecurities and vulnerabilities assistance and understanding let you rip you off to multiple other realities metamorphosis into viabilities kill your liabilities sunshine of a new day who do you think you are here to stay back in the game like a An old pro With new roots Kill the basicallies and the Isotopic radioactive bullshits Sit down bitch   - Saswati Barat

On time

Of hours of faking looking into my phone Showing I am busy running through lives and their stories Not really ignoring you know, but I hope you understand my need to be hooked to my phone Cause I don't find people like minded to talk to So I'd rather drizzle with a life I can be what I am.. Innocent non cheating acts of pure fun and pass time I am not sorry I did not remotely feel the need Or may be I did And it was not awkward I had to scroll through the world's opinions on sarcasms created for humor cause it catches Oh you are sharing your deep heart's treasure But honey, I am busy checking out some unfamiliar interesting bodies Look how wonder lust these are It's been eons since I have felt this connected She even listens to my kind of music Im sorry I don't really know your favourite But you need to like this creative here making fun of bull shit. . Don't you find it hilarious darling Startling Heart beating Fading Into time
Does a writer have a creative block long enough to forget what's on the other side of the moon on a no moon day ? Can a runner be so damaged to not run with once injured but now healthy knees? Will a dancer ever stop tapping her broken ankle to the beats of her heart? But what would an artist create without the eyes of inspiration in his imagination ?  What do they do ?