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Showing posts from March, 2010


Smile And the world shall laugh at your face Cry And the world shall laugh at your face Run And the world might still be laughing at your face How synthetic this emotions seem When a girl cries or smiles Or runs with joy or fear Here and There And everywhere When Death is so near Let alone this world feel ashamed Of her chastity might proclaim And if she is not to be true Honor killing will do To save our names and bonds And the status we built upon The walls so high To not let her fly And chain her down With red bangles Fly my friend And let the world know You are free Free to be Me - Saswati Barat

A Promise

Father of the son Mother of the child Child of the earth Promise Promise me today That you shall save this Humanity And not let it die Die with guns and blood And rain acid all over my breast Promise you wont let Me die Die of disease or distress And cherish the fruit I grow From my womb For your benefit And not just feel ashamed To say no No to all who sell my womb Sell your mother away ? Go my child Save the earth Save humanity From today Promise. - Saswati Barat