Let it go
Let it stay
Let it run
But see it does not run away
Let it feel
Let it touch
Let it hold
But only till you can behold
Sweet noise
Purple dust
Morning and Twilight of dusk
Sincere love
Pathetic anyways ?
Sooth your heart
Open it
Smell it
But see that you don't hurt it
Don't eat it
It might not taste so good
As it looks to be
Be like that
Do like this
Don't Consult
Judge by your brain
Not your heart
By the ways
You have experienced
And not by the
Ways taught to you
Sense it
And it will be yours
May be
- Saswati Barat
1:14 Am
May 21,2009
What's 'it' in the poem?
If it is a flower
Consider again-
...Let it run
But see it does not run away...Why would it?
...Sweet noise...Never heard of a noisy flower!
...Don't eat it...!?
And if it is a man, a strange way to flirt...and honestly, mischievous.
Please make the point clear... my comments will follow!
And lastly, whom were you flirting?
(Sorry, if you took my jest seriously...no harm meant...honestly.)
Truly there is a lot of commotion in the poem(yEs! FiNalLy I find a PoEm!!eeeh)
Anyway, the continuos struggle between ur heart and mind is quite evident..i agree with u..let it "run"..and go whereever it takes you.
As a song goes
"let ur love fly free"
I read the first comment and was LOL-ing all over the place...really @(O_o)@...i agreed with him on a post on a particular blog before i came here and saw this comment of his!!
Anway..dont let the commotion take over u as an individual or u might regret losing urself in the process(since this is a lesson i learnt quite recently, i think im capable of giving some 'gyaan')
nice rhyming!!
keep blogging!
@ Parv .. yes . "it" has many meaning in the eyes who read it .. to you "it"meant that way .. a very successful meaning !! :)
Thank You .. Both of you
I read all your pieces on this page...you are awesme or what ?!!
And you say you call yourself "Nameless Fameless" ??! Thats blasphemy !!
Thnx a ton for visitng me, else I'da probably never known this wonderful space. I am so coming bakc, and linkin you meanwhile.
YOu rock Saswati !! You truly do.