Life seems to unfold
When you think you have settled down
And makes you stir in that comfy seat of yours
As if telling you not to just yet
Put your guard down
And that frown
Which finds its way through your face
Might project a lot of disgust
To life's amusement
And bring about that little change you never would have welcomed
Could this be a challenge ?
Another "life's games" may be ?
Or is it much more complex
Rather simple in its terms
To juggle ones fate
In their own hands
If you drop it
You loose !
And if you don't
Master is sure to find a way you do
And even if you survive
Life ain't gonna make this easy for you
Why do we strive so hard
So hard in this once in a lifetime ?
Purely not indulging to our pleasures
To counter react on our impulses
Better off
Less than
Why is it so hard to believe we live
And live not for one's sake but life's ?
- Saswati Barat
SO true.. :)
Keep writing and Smiling :)
Keep rocking! Tc. N do visit my blog whn u have time. :)
Good job!
thanks to all of you .. thank you so much :)