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Man says that legend is in himself
Man says that legend is HIM
But what does legend say ?
Was it really the man himself or was it something different?

Things in life don't turn out well
One blames ones destiny
Fate laughs
But one cries
Justice you might not like to call it.

Having grudges against someone you love is permitted
May not be in the society which wraps you every night
But yes in your heart
That beats tirelessly everyday for you
For you who lives on
and creates a LEGEND for himself

I wonder how they live
Whose hearts stop beating for them every night
And beat for the ones opposite to them
Inside them
How can you think that they belong to you
Mind-Body games
I salute them
But is it really the destiny they follow
It can be a matter of choice
Or in most may be
Force of the legend behind them
Who have told them this is what you are
What you can
And What you will

Let me laugh
Who is going to watch me ?
Utter disgustingly
Forget them
Because legend says to do so
And you will do so
May be in the end

- Saswati Barat
27th June , 2009


Arnav said…
Nice ..
very well written.. :)

keep smiling
Jagjit said…


this was really a brilliant piece of writing. deep and thoughtful.
*hugs back* thank u jagjit .. thank u so much !!
Gautam Anand said…
liked it.. definitely sth different..

In b/w awaiting ur comments on my new post after 2 months

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