When the sky meets the earth
With the goodness of the drop
The drop with the "plop"
Nothing seems so beautiful
Nothing seems so true
True with its blue
This day was I born Born
In the light of the moon
The moon Smiled and blessed
Said "dear , you are going to be true"
True like the rain which falls
Washing away all the dirt from thy heart
Like it smells on fresh mud
Mud , which makes you feel
Down to be the one
You were born
Born like a princess
With crystals in your eyes
And soft velvet in your skin
And a heart of gold
The Rain said
"Dear , be caring and nice
loving and dear
when needed to do so"
The moon also gave me
Some tests to complete
Said "dear , how will you pass this life if you don't prove to be alive?"
And the moon drench me with its rain
As I forever slept in its arm
Wit closed eyes
And a warm heart
Heart which still beats today
As I grow older a year
A year again to complete
So on this day
I thank the Moon the Rain Thank you
For making me feel alive Once again !
- Saswati Barat
ps : okay .. now my birthday was this wednesday , i.e 8th .. and i always think of these lines .. so decided to jot them down .. hope you like them !
Nothing seems so true
True with its blue
one of the beautiful lines ever read, the whole mpoem was delicately crafted.
keep wiriting.
And belated happy birthday to you. Tc.