I am a seed
Born to grow and die
Born to live by
Life's Smile
And through my eyes
I see the world in the littlest size
And you call me not as
As a mustache with a beard
Strong dependable muscles
Weird !
Of how this world might turn
To beasts
Than beauties ?
Agreed I am the ugliest
The most prettiest of all ugly
Mankind wants me to refresh
Soft water
Rose petals
Soft Supple Skin
Which always makes people
By far go wild
Hate and Contempt the
Very presence of the either
If the man reads the newspaper
God forbid the women might
Go out of their grasp
And tell me why
Such improper justice
Is meddled upon
Even among wives
Of the wealthy Babus
Don't be confused
Because life can
Be harsh
At times
A seed , A life and A Smile
- Saswati Barat
1:22 Am
ps : don't know if you will like it or not.. many might find it feminist in nature but it was not in the true sense, and again it is true, i had targeted the "sexually" dominated in the society
Beautifully written..
We are like a seed get planted by fate, grow , provide shelter and fruits to others during our best times and then we die again, leaving several seeds behind to start again..
Keep Writing and Smiling :)
Good going.
Now for this line -''Agreed I am the ugliest
The most prettiest of all ugly
Mankind wants me to refresh '' -
you might want to revisit, as it doesn't suit in the entire poem evenly... Maybe certain adjustments to suit with the othr lines might be great!!
Overall, the poem is so very you , simple, free versed and delight to read..
However, the next one shd be even better.. :)